2600Hz Blog

Read about cutting edge telephony thought leadership, 2600Hz product updates, customer use cases and more!

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Broadly Not Working: It’s Time to Migrate Away from BroadWorks

“Fish are friends, not food!” How Carriers Can Keep Swimming as Metaswitch Goes Belly Up

Top Trends Service Providers Saw in 2023: What does the future hold for Cloud Comms?

Kazoocon: Announcements, Spotlights, & Updates

Kazoocon: Jeff Ma, Featured Speaker

Kazoocon: A Decade of Knowledge, Innovation, and Connections

Beyond Incremental Improvements: Embracing the AI Revolution in CCaaS

Three Key Factors Driving the Acceleration of Cloud Communications

Ethical AI / Telecom / Spiderman

Takeaways from the Call & Contact Center Expo

2600Hz: Honored with Two Additional Awards

Top 5 Reasons CPaaS is in Hyper Growth

Generative AI in telecom

2600Hz: Winner of Two TMCnet Awards

Introducing 10DLC: What Is It And How Do You Prepare?

MWC Barcelona: Expanding Reach into Global Markets

Five Reasons Why CCaaS Investments Are Soaring

2600Hz: Distributed Workforce Success

Recapping KAZOOcon: What’s Trending for 2022 and Beyond

Five Tips on Being Successful among the Convergence of Technologies

April 2022 Podcast

March 2022 Podcast

UC Success: Scale or Niche

February Podcast

Improve Engagement With These Helpful Asynchronous Collaboration Best Practices

January Podcast

2600Hz 2021 Year in Review

December Podcast

The CPaaS-Powered Future of Cloud Comms

November Podcast

October Podcast

What’s Trending for 2022: CPaaS, CX, and Microsoft Teams

September Podcast

August Podcast

SpawnFest Q&A

July Podcast

How Cloud Comms Providers Can Benefit from Business Agility

Why Cloud Comms Providers Are Seeing High Customer Attrition

June Podcast

Hybrid Work Best Practices | Part 3

Hybrid Work Best Practices | Part 2

April Podcast

Hybrid Work Best Practices | Part 1

March Podcast

Why We’re Running Out of Phone Numbers

2600Hz 2020 Year in Review

Why Service Providers Need CPaaS to Succeed

How To Stand Out & Capture Market Value

5 Ways KAZOO Makes Provisioning Easy

Business Agility & Reprioritizing Roadmaps

Not Your Father's SMS

Remote Work in the Era of Coronavirus

Are You Ready for the New E911 Compliance Changes?

How to find the best SIP Trunk Provider - Skyetel Guest Blog

The State of the Market From the Cloud Comms Summit

Guest Blog: Communication-Enabling Applications with CPaaS

Guest Blog: 7 Practical Ways CPaaS Technology Can Improve Your Business

Selling & Onboarding in a Competitive Market: 5 Things You Need to Know

A Tribute to Joe Armstrong, Father of Erlang

3 Reasons to Consider a Cap and Grow Strategy

What does redundancy mean to 2600Hz?

Don't miss our KAZOO training in March!

Why Erlang? Part 2

Why Erlang? Part 1

Stateless Property-based testing with Erlang and PropEr

Not all redundancies are created equal

Why Provisioning Sucks

In Case You Missed It - Top Telecom Headlines in Q3

Guest Blog: Practice What You Preach - Delivering Top Notch Customer Support in Telecom

Today’s MVNO Secret Sauce: Creating Specialty Solutions and Increased Functionality through Open-Source

Protecting Your Business By Controlling Telecom Fraud: Carrier Management

KAZOOcon 2018: Check Out The Incredible Industry Speakers Enhancing Our Program

2600Hz: The Best Kept Secret in VoIP & UCaaS

World, Meet KAZOOcon: The Conference Disrupting Telecom INNOVATION

Protecting Your Business By Controlling Telecom Fraud: Preventing Hacked Equipment & Settings

Why the Broadsoft Acquisition is Disrupting Cloud Communications

Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities: How 2600Hz Stacks Up

Guest Blog: Vinix - Save the internet (How Neutrality Affects you)

What is the Telecom Infra Project and How Is it Changing Business Communications?

Tis the Season of Mergers: How Genband & Sonus Fit Together

Distributed System vs a Hot Standby

2600Hz Mobile: The Only True Mobile Offering With PBX Functionality

Will Other Tech Giants Follow in Uber's Footsteps?

The Journey of 2600Hz Mobile Business Solutions

Why Open Source Voice is More of a Benefit, Than a Risk

We Compared the Biggest CPaaS Vendors on Flexibility

5 Ways to Open Your Selling Conversation for Unified Communications

Using Your Voice Platform for Call Center Quality Management

How to Evaluate a Cost-Effective CPaaS

Disrupting an Industry: How Avaya's Recent News Will Impact Telecom

What is CPaaS and Why Does It Matter?

Women Who Code IoT Hackathon - Portland Recap

Tips for Selling VoIP & UC: Overcoming the 5 Most Common Objections

Demystifying Telecom

Does Your Business Voice Offering Get a Passing Grade?

Why VoIP is the Perfect Service Pairing

The 6 Biggest Takeaways from KazooCon 2016

What You Need to Know about Kazoo 4.0

What Does "Cloud Communications" Mean, Anyway?

5 Benefits Cloud Communications Brings to Business

KazooCon 2016 agenda!

Building Your Brand - Why White Labeling is So Important

Bypass Media Mode

How Collaboration Propels the Landscape of Enterprise Voice

2600Hz speaks with Nexmo CEO Tony Jamous

25 Days to KazooCon 2016!

What To Expect at KazooCon 2016

40 Days to KazooCon 2016!

Announcing KazooCon 2016


True Cloud - Let’s talk about it

Top 4 Business Benefits of Becoming a VoIP Reseller

Working with FreeSWITCH as a core part of Kazoo

2600Hz Announces Full Integration with Innovative new “Carrier Pigeon” service.

Introducing the Next Generation of 2600Hz

Kazoo’s First Independent International Community Conference - Moscow 2015

Accounts Manager - Infinite VoIP Account Scalability and Control

Tuning Kazoo to 10,000 Handsets - KazooCon 2015

VirtualPBX - Back Office, Delivering Voice in a Competitive Market - KazooCon 2015

Telnexus - Quote to Cash – KazooCon 2015

SIPLABS - Hard Rocking Kazoo - KazooCon 2015

ThinQ - Least Cost Routing in the Cloud - KazooCon 2015

Billing Data with Kazoo - KazooCon 2015

The Next Wave - KazooCon 2015

Voxter - Building Value with Kazoo - KazooCon 2015

Kamailio and VoIP Wild World

Detecting and Managing VoIP Fraud (Slides) - KazooCon 2015

Detecting and Managing VoIP Fraud - KazooCon 2015

Telecom Rating and Limits - KazooCon 2015

Billing Data with Kazoo - KazooCon 2015

Tuning Kazoo to 10,000 Handsets - KazooCon 2015

SmartPBX: At the Intersection of Simplicity and Functionality

Top Ten Reasons Why I’m Going to KazooCon!

Kazoo Release Notes v3.21

2600Hz Case Study: A Look At Slable’s Partnership and How 2600Hz’s Offerings Improved Their Business


Kazoo at scale, and supporting WebRTC and Mobile

Kazoo APIs

KazooCon 2014 - Deploying Kazoo Globally

Amdahl's Law & Parallel Computing

Bezos Law

How Squirrels Break DataCenters And Other Database Conjectures

Visualizing A Cyber Attack

Voice Isn't Dying

To Have or Have Not: DPI, the ITU and What it Means TO YOU

The Difference Between a Firewall and an SBC

Part 2 of our Disaster Recovery Series


WebRTC, Frictionless Communications

Lessons from Sandy on Outages and Customer Communications

Our Other Border Brother: Kamailio

Carrier Innovation Goals

How 2600Hz Stayed Up While GoDaddy Was Down: "Lessons on Running a Reliable VOIP Architecture"

"Who am I?"

Telecom Reads

Survival in a Fragile Communications World

CouchDB/BigCouch Bulk Insert/Update

Secrets of the Phone Network: Why You Can't Text with Your Google Voice Number

Frequently Used Telecom Terms Part 2