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Broadly Not Working: It’s Time to Migrate Away from BroadWorks

By Nicola Fidanzia, Head of 2600Hz Sales Engineering and Professional Services at Ooma


BroadSoft was a huge innovator back in the day, especially in launching BroadWorks – the first white-label multitenant hosted software switch for VoIP.

I was proud to work for BroadSoft from 2013 through the company’s acquisition by Cisco in 2018 until I departed in 2021.

That was then. This is now: Cisco laid off most of the BroadSoft team in recent years, has largely stopped feature development for BroadWorks, and is strong-arming service providers to move from BroadWorks to Cisco Webex Calling platform with almost no way to differentiate their commercial offerings.

If this story sounds familiar, you might be recalling the similar decline and fall of Metaswitch since its acquisition by Microsoft – a topic we blogged about last month

For service providers still relying on BroadWorks, the clock is ticking as the platform will inevitably sink further behind the competition.

There’s an obvious answer, although it’s much easier said than done: Find a new VoIP platform to replace BroadWorks.

I’m here to help. In my role as head of professional services at 2600Hz, an Ooma company, I manage a team of technicians dedicated to helping carriers migrate to our platform, a truly white-label UCaaS, CCaaS and CPaaS stack.

Our full suite of white-glove migration services covers every step of the process:

  • Review existing services and features 
  • Map them to equivalent or better 2600Hz services and features
  • Extract data from BroadWorks
  • Migrate data to 2600Hz
  • Testing of new services and continuing support

In short, we’ve got your back whenever you’re ready to bid farewell to BroadWorks.

I also expect you’ll be very happy once the transition is complete and you can take advantage of all that 2600Hz has to offer.

For example, we don’t place restrictions on service providers putting their own branding on 2600Hz offerings and we provide an extensive set of APIs that allow for significant differentiation via a service provider’s intellectual property.

The 2600Hz platform also offers considerable flexibility in hosting, with options including shared hosting, exclusive hosting in the service provider’s datacenters or in a public cloud of choice. This lets you decide how to optimize performance and reduce latency for critical applications such as artificial intelligence and large language models.

There’s no reason to wait. Call us anytime at 415-886-7900 or send an email to sales@2600hz.com to begin your migration journey.


Tagged: 2600Hz blog, migration, BroadWorks, Webex, ucaas migraiton, ccaas migration